New Site Under Construction

If you have reached my blog please go to to see my  website that is quite similar to this  but a little more up to date.  It is still under construction but its getting there…thats all to those who visit and follow this blog…onece the site is finished I will be able to keep more up to date on this blog as I will have it posted here as well.

JR Watkins February Sale Deadline!!! Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute!

You have 4 days left to get your orders in for the month of February…check out my page for the February sales as well as the new packages I have posted for my customers.  Don’t miss out on these deals.  Want a bigger discount on every item ask me how!!!  Get Healthy, Get Happy, Get Watkinized.  Check out my page!  lots of info for you there… and if you have any questions please call me or email me and i will be most happy to answer all of your questions!  Have a great day!!!


8 Days Left

You have 8 days left to get your orders in for the month of February…check out my page for the February sales as well as the new packages I have posted for my customers.  Don’t miss out on these deals.  Want a bigger discount on every item ask me how!!!  Get Healthy, Get Happy, Get Watkinized.  Check out my page!  lots of info for you there… and if you have any questions please call me or email me and i will be most happy to answer all of your questions!  Have a great day!!!